TYPO3 Badges
A beautiful eye-catcher for your extension documentations.
🚀 Usage
This API provides endpoints for Badgen and Shields.io, allowing badges to be rendered.
Each endpoint supports the
format with the rendered SVG badge and the
format with JSON data for external badge providers.
🔥 Endpoints
Get JSON data for Composer name./badge/{extension}/composer/{provider}.{_format}
Get JSON data for total extension downloads./badge/{extension}/downloads/{provider}.{_format}
Get JSON data for extension key./badge/{extension}/extension/{provider}.{_format}
Get JSON data for extension stability./badge/{extension}/stability/{provider}.{_format}
Get JSON data for supported TYPO3 versions./badge/{extension}/typo3/{provider}.{_format}
Get JSON data for extension verification state./badge/{extension}/verified/{provider}.{_format}
Get JSON data for current extension version./badge/{extension}/version/{provider}.{_format}
🤖 JSON response schema
All JSON endpoints return objects to be processed by Badgen.
"subject": "typo3",
"status": "inspiring people to share",
"color": "orange"
Take a look at the official documentation of Badgen to get an overview about how JSON data is processed.
All JSON endpoints return objects to be processed by Shields.io.
"schemaVersion": 1,
"label": "typo3",
"message": "inspiring people to share",
"color": "orange",
"isError": false,
"namedLogo": "typo3"
Take a look at the official documentation of Shields.io to get an overview about how JSON data is processed. There you will also find ways to override the configuration sent by the API.
🤔 Anything else?
If you are missing something, feel free to create an issue or submit a pull request.
🧡 Like it?
I created this project in my spare time. If you like it, please consider sponsoring me. Thank you!